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Thirty Days of Prayer

Daily Prayer Guide



Day 22:

Read Hosea 6: 1-3.  Personalize verse three.  Now, turn this into your prayer.  It may go something like this:  “Lord, my prayer in this season is that I may know you better.  I desire to press ahead to really know you.”    


Day 23:

Read 2 Kings 20: 1-3.  Have you ever prayed with this level of intensity?  We often pray this way when disaster looms.  Try to imagine you are Hezekiah.  Read verses 4-11.  God answered Hezekiah’s prayer instantly.  The answer may not always come this soon.  But, take courage, God will hear your prayer.  And…he will answer in his time.  


Day 24:

Read 1 Chronicles 16: 11.  Ask God to help you seek him with renewed intensity today; this week; the rest of this coming year.  Ask God for a renewed passion to continually seek him.  


Day 25:

Read 1 Chronicles 22: 11-13; 19.   Ask God for strength and courage as you face the days ahead.  Pray for those you may know who are struggling in this transition season.  Read these verses again.  Thank God for his gifts of strength and courage.


Day 26:

What special need are you facing today?  What special need is your family facing?  Read Jeremiah 32: 16-20.  Note:  Nothing is too hard for the Lord.  May this text encourage you as you pray today!   And, as you pray this transition season.    


Day 27:

There seems to be little in society these days that is cause for joy.  But, God has not abandoned you.  Make Jeremiah 33: 3 a part of your prayer today.  When God’s people seek him and pray, remarkable things happen.  Thank God for his faithful work on your behalf.


Day 28:

Spend time today in focused prayer for Bethany Church.  Pray for the Elders, by name (names are listed on the website).  Ask God to give them wisdom and courage in this transition season.


Day 29:

Pray for the Transition Team (yet to be formed) and the transition process.  Pray for wisdom and discernment.  This process is critical for the future of Bethany Church.  Continue this prayer until the new pastor is installed.


Day 30:

Review the entire Prayer Guide.  Note a text or prayer that stood out for you.  Pray that again today.  The 30 Days of Prayer emphasis is concluded, but keep on praying.  Continue to use this Guide to empower your prayers in the days ahead.  May God Bless you as you continue to grow your prayer capacity.  Continue to reflect on 2 Chronicles 7: 14 and other texts in this Guide. And, never cease your humble, dependent prayers. God longs to respond.     

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